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Impact of TB Prevention Measures and Capacity of TB Facilities on HIV/TB Incidence in the Russian Arctic. P. 34–43

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Section: Preventive medicine

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Zinaida M. Zagdyn* ORCID:
Valeriy V. Tsvetkov** ORCID:
Yimeng Zhao*/*** ORCID:
*Saint-Petersburg State Research Institute of Phthisiopulmonology of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)
**Smorodintsev Research Institute of Influenza (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)
***University of Michigan Medical School (Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA)
Corresponding author: Zinaida Zagdyn, address: prosp. Ligovskiy 2/4, St. Petersburg, 191036, Russian Federation; e-mail:


Increased migration, high prevalence of drug-resistant TB and HIV the role of a healthcare system that adequately meets the Arctic zone features in the era of its intensive industrialization and globalization becomes urgent. The study is aimed to identify the main challenges in the healthcare systems that affect HIV, TB and HIV/TB coinfection spread in the Arctic zone of the RF. Materials and methods. The HIV, TB, HIV/TB coinfection incidence rates per 100 000 population/year during 2007-2019, the economic, human resources capacity of TB facilities, TB preventive measures results among PLWH in the Arctic regions of the RF are evaluated. The statistical data were obtained from the corresponding forms of federal statistical observation and from Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of the Ministry of Health of the RF. Results. The worst HIV (315,8%), TB (136,1%) and HIV/TB (150,0%) incidence rates and the highest deterioration of buildings and structures of TB facilities (100,0%) are identified in the ChAD. Conclusion. The HIV, TB and HIV/TB coinfection incidence in Arctic regions of the RF is uneven. It is necessary to provide more detailed studies on assessing the HIV, TB, HIV/TB coinfection prevalence, evaluate the health system capacity in each district of Arctic zone.


HIV infection, tuberculosis, HIV/TB, Arctic territories of the Russian Federation, tuberculosis facilities


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