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Section: Review articles Download (pdf, 0.5MB )UDC[612.17+613.1]:[57.045+574.24](98)DOI10.37482/2687-1491-Z091AuthorsOksana I. Sergeychik* ORCID: I. Yaroslavskaya* ORCID: Arkadiy V. Plyusnin* ORCID: *Tyumen Cardiology Research Center, Branch of Tomsk National Research Medical Center, Russian Academy of Sciences (Tyumen, Russian Federation) AbstractArctic territories are one of the priorities in the comprehensive geopolitical and geoeconomic development of the Russian Federation. In this regard, such issues as a new Arctic healthcare model, stabilization of the demographic processes, health protection, and increasing life expectancy of the indigenous and newcomer population are growing in importance. The Arctic is an area of special strategic interest to Russia not only because of the prospects for natural resource development, but also due to the rapid global climate change. The implementation of large-scale competitive projects requires an influx of labour force, leading to a predictable increase in the population of the Arctic settlements. Indigenous peoples living on the Arctic territories of the Russian Federation comprise a special population group, which needs state support due to the vulnerability of its traditional way of life and its original habitat. The state policy of sustainable development is being implemented with regard to them. This article presents a review of the literature analysing the impact of etiopathogenetic mechanisms of unfavourable climatic and geophysical factors on the human cardiovascular system in the Arctic. It has been shown that a significant proportion of the risks of cardiovascular events in the Arctic is linked to environmental pollution (as a result of active human economic activity) and to adverse climatic conditions. 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