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Section: Physiology Download (pdf, 0.7MB )UDC612.017.2:[378.4+378.17]DOI10.37482/2687-1491-Z096AuthorsYuliya A. Aleshina* ORCID: V. Myakisheva*ORCID: Irina V. Fedoseykina* ORCID: Andrey F. Pavlov* ORCID: *Samara State Medical University (Samara, Russian Federation) AbstractThe spread of the COVID-19 infection has posed new challenges to first-year students in terms of their adaptation to the learning conditions at universities, including those associated with distance education. The aim of this article was to analyse the adaptation of first-year students to distance learning at the university, depending on their individual typological organization of hemispheric asymmetry. Materials and methods. The research was performed in 2019–2020 and involved first-year students of Samara State Medical University. Their individual typological indicator of the psycho-emotional state was compared with various indicators of the psycho-emotional state in the activity-stereotypical and activitysituational conditions. The AC-5 Aktivatsiometr hardware and software complex was used. Results. Completely new data on the psycho-emotional sphere of students were revealed. In 2019, when firstyear students attended classes on campus during their adaptation period, the differences (upward or downward) of activity-stereotypical and activity-situational indicators from the individual typological indicator, albeit they pointed to non-optimal situational working state of the nervous system, were not critical. In 2020, all educational institutions, including medical universities, turned to distance learning. As a result, a significant number of subjects showed excessive deviations in the abovementioned indicators and strain on the adaptive potential, which indicates predominance of mental overexcitation in the course of repeated switching between distance and on-campus education during the semester. Adaptation against the background of such a psycho-emotional state significantly increases the likelihood of inadequate reactions in first-year students and causes nervousness in their relationships with peers and teachers, which, in turn, can pose serious obstacles to fulfilling their life potential during senior years. The physiological mechanisms outlined in the article will form the scientific basis for developing measures to reduce maladaptation among first-year students and choosing the optimal learning style, as well as for effective emotional regulation and self-regulation of medical students.Keywordsadaptive potential, first-year students, functional asymmetry of the brain, psycho-emotional state, distance learning, strain on adaptive mechanismsReferences1. Aleshina Yu.A. Gigienicheskoe i psikhofiziologicheskoe obosnovanie protsessa adaptatsii studentovpervokursnikov k vuzovskoy sisteme obucheniya [Hygienic and Psychophysiological Justification of First-Year Students Adaptation to the System of Higher Education]. Aspirantskiy vestnik Povolzh’ya, 2016, no. 1-2, pp. 254–257.2. Myakisheva Yu.V., Aleshina Yu.A., Fedoseykina I.V., Skazkina O.Ya., Dudina A.I., Bogdanova R.A. 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