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Features of hemodynamics of the brain of students with different types of autonomic reactivity when performing a cognitive task. P. 338–350
Section: Biological sciences
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In modern society, rapid socioeconomic and technological changes make it necessary to obtain and process large amounts of information in a short period of time. As a result, the identification of physiological and psychophysiological markers of the success of cognitive activity and the assessment of the physiological cost of such activity under a time limit become relevant. The aim of this paper was to study cerebral haemodynamics of students with different types of autonomic reactivity when performing a cognitive task at their own pace under a time limit. Materials and methods. The research involved 110 students of Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov. Tetrapolar rheoencephalography was used to assess the parameters of cerebral haemodynamics in subjects with different types of autonomic reactivity performing a cognitive task (reading words with one missing letter) with and without a time limit, the success being recorded simultaneously. Results. We detected multidirectional restructuring of central haemodynamics in normotonic and vagotonic students in the process of performing a cognitive task with and without a time limit. Excessive reactions are noted in the blood flow regions of the hemispheres in vagotonic students, compared with normotonic subjects. Students with these types of autonomic reactivity demonstrate a decrease in pulse volume in the cerebral blood vessels, which results in a compensatory increase in the tone of arteries with different diameters: in the normotonic group, in the occipital regions of both hemispheres, while in the vagotonic group, in the frontal region of the left hemisphere. Sympathicotonic subjects, when solving a cognitive task under a time limit, showed no significant changes in central haemodynamics; the parameters of reading efficiency in this group were significantly higher than those in normotonic and vagotonic students.
cerebral haemodynamics, type of autonomic reactivity, efficiency of cognitive activity, psychoemotional stress, time limit
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