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Cerebral Manifestations of Short-Term Adaptation in Students from India Studying at Northern State Medical University (Arkhangelsk). P. 412–416
Section: Notes
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The authors studied direct current (DC) potential level in male first-year students of Northern State Medical University aged 19–21-years: born and permanently living in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation (n = 29) and students from India (n = 29). DC potential level was recorded from 12 monopolar leads using the Neuroenergokartograf hardware and software complex. Having compared the groups, we revealed differences in the intensity of neurometabolism, in the distribution of DC potential level, in interhemispheric interactions, as well as in the plasticity of cortical connections.
Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, students from India, short-term adaptation, DC potential level, interhemispheric asymmetry
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Series "Humanitarian and Social Sciences"
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Arctic and North