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The Role of Serotoninergic Mediator System Genes in the Formation of Human Regulatory and Adaptive Capabilities. P. 23-33

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Yuliya V. Kashina* ORCID:
Vladimir M. Pokrovskiy* ORCID:
Irina L. Cherednik* ORCID:

*Kuban State Medical University (Krasnodar, Russian Federation)

Corresponding author: Vladimir Pokrovskiy, address: ul. M. Sedina 4, Krasnodar, 350063, Russian Federation; e-mail:


The purpose of this article was to establish the role of polymorphisms of genes regulating serotonin metabolism in the formation of human regulatory and adaptive capabilities. Materials and methods. The research involved 89 students of Kuban State Medical University. Their adaptation level was assessed at the end of the academic year according to the index of regulatory and adaptive status (IRAS) using the cardiorespiratory synchronism test (V.M. Pokrovskiy) on the VNS-Mikro device (Neurosoft, Russia). In addition, a molecular genetic analysis was performed (by DNA isolation from the peripheral blood using the standard phenol–chloroform extraction method) to identify polymorphisms of genes involved in serotonin biosynthesis (tryptophan hydroxylase genes TPH1 and TPH2) and genes encoding serotonin receptors (HTR2C and HTR2A). Results. The subjects were divided into three groups: with high (52.8 % of students), satisfactory (34.8 %) and low (12.4 %) regulatory and adaptive capabilities. In the group with high regulatory and adaptive capabilities, the most common alleles and genotypes were the following: *C allele for the ТРН1 gene; *G allele and *G/*T genotype for the ТРН2 gene, *G allele and *G/*G genotype for the HTR2С gene, and *A/*G genotype for the HTR2A gene. Statistically significant differences in the frequency of the *A/*G heterozygous genotype for the G1438A marker of the HTR2А gene were found between the groups with high and satisfactory regulatory and adaptive capabilities as well as in the groups with high and low regulatory and adaptive capabilities. In both cases, the *A/*G heterozygous genotype prevailed in individuals with high regulatory and adaptive capabilities, whereas the *G/*G heterozygous genotype was only identified in the group with low regulatory and adaptive capabilities. Thus, medical students with high regulatory and adaptive capabilities had alleles and genotypes that provide high sensitivity of serotonin receptors and sufficient activity of its biosynthesis enzymes. The obtained data revealed a dependence between the regulatory and adaptive capabilities and the polymorphisms of genes involved in both biosynthesis and reception of serotonin in humans.


regulatory and adaptive capabilities, index of regulatory and adaptive status, cardiorespiratory synchronism, serotoninergic neuromediator system, gene polymorphism, medical students


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