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Relationship Between Vitamin D Level and Functional State of Patients with Osteoarthritis Aged 60–80 Years Living in Murmansk. P. 86-94

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Maksim D. Kashpanov* ORCID:
Vladimir V. Popov** ORCID:
Irina A. Novikova** ORCID:

*City Outpatient Clinic No. 2 (Murmansk, Russian Federation)
**Northern State Medical University (Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation)

Corresponding author: Maksim Kashpanov, address: prosp. Kol’skiy 149A, Murmansk, 183052, Russian Federation; e-mail:


The purpose of this paper was to identify the relationship between the level of vitamin D and the functional state parameters in older patients with osteoarthritis. Materials and Methods. The study involved 100 subjects (85 women and 15 men) aged between 60 and 80 years (mean age 69.03 ± 2.34 years) receiving treatment at outpatient facilities in Murmansk. The following research methods were used: questionnaire, clinical examination, X-Ray, and serum vitamin D testing. The radiographic stage of osteoarthritis and the degree of joint dysfunction were determined. We used the Age Is Not a Barrier Questionnaire, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, Pain Visual Analogue Scale, Mini Nutrition Assessment Questionnaire, and SF-36 Quality of Life Questionnaire. Results. We found that 1/3 of the patients with osteoarthritis aged 60–80 years had vitamin D deficiency, while over 1/2 of them had vitamin D insufficiency. Patients with vitamin D deficiency were more likely to show signs of a risk of malnutrition than those with vitamin D insufficiency, as well as a more pronounced pain syndrome, higher radiographic stages of osteoarthritis and degrees of joint dysfunction, as well as higher rates of anxiety and depression, and lower quality of life. Quality of life was lower in patients with higher levels of anxiety and depression, as well as with a more pronounced radiographic stage of osteoarthritis. The results of this study indicate advisability of including vitamin D in the combination therapy of osteoarthritis in patients aged 60–80 years.


vitamin D level, osteoarthritis, psychofunctional state, older patients, radiographic stage of osteoarthritis, degree of joint dysfunction, quality of life scores


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