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Effect of Complicated Delivery on the Development of Higher Mental Functions in Children Aged 7–8 Years (Exemplified by First-Formers Living in Arkhangelsk). C. 142-152
Section: Biological sciences
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Unfavourable course of labour is one of the most significant factors of perinatal dysontogenesis that have a negative impact on the development of the central nervous system in children. The purpose of this article was to assess the effects of complicated birth on the development of higher mental functions in children aged 7–8 years. Materials and methods. The study was conducted in October 2017 and involved 86 first-formers (48 boys and 38 girls) studying in primary schools of the city of Arkhangelsk. Based on the results of parent surveys, two comparison groups were formed. The main group included 18 first-formers (7 boys and 11 girls) who were born as a result of complicated delivery. The control group included 30 children (18 boys and 12 girls) with a favourable course of the perinatal period. To assess higher mental functions, we determined the level of short-term memory development, intelligence, and adjustment of the pace of activity. Results. The study showed that first-formers born as a result of complicated delivery have certain psychophysiological features that can cause difficulties in schooling. In particular, they have a lower rate of operational activity (p = 0.026), which may be evidence of problems with sensory information processing and immaturity of the control functions of the brain. In addition, these children differ significantly from their peers in terms of the development of verbal intelligence (p = 0.001), which indicates particular vulnerability of the child’s speech functions to the factors of perinatal dysontogenesis.
7–8-year-old children, late effects of complicated delivery, dysontogenesis, psychophysiological development, higher mental functions, intelligence, short-term memory, information processing speed
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