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Asymmetry of Cerebral Circulation in the Internal Carotid Arteries in Students Under Short-Term Mental Load: Relationship with the Efficiency of Behaviour Control. C. 184-196

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Petr A. Prodius*/**/*** ORCID:
Aleksey E. Bazhenov* ORCID:
Mariya D. Berstneva* ORCID:

*National Research Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod (Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation)
**Privolzhsky Research Medical University (Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation)
***Nizhny Novgorod State Agricultural Academy (Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation)

Corresponding author: Petr Prodius,
address: prosp. Gagarina 25, korp. 1, Nizhny Novgorod, 603950, Russian Federation;


The purpose of this paper was to study the relationship between cerebral circulation during shortterm mental load and the efficiency of behaviour control. Previous studies failed to provide a clear picture of the functional restructuring of cerebral circulation in response to mental activity. One of the reasons for the ambiguity of their results may be individual differences. This is confirmed by the existing typological differences in cerebral circulation at rest and in response to mental load. In this study, we highlighted another potential typological feature, namely, bilateral asymmetry of cerebral circulation in the internal carotid arteries. The available data suggest that the asymmetry of cerebral circulation is linked with the productivity of mental activity and the efficiency of behaviour control. Materials and methods. Rheoencephalography was used to study the parameters of cerebral circulation in 20 students (aged 19–23 years) during mental load (Go/No-Go test). The stimuli were presented on a monitor using the PsychoPy program. The reaction time and the number of errors were evaluated. Rheoencephalograms were recorded using the Reo-Spektr rheoencephalograph. Pulse volume at rest and during mental load in the internal carotid arteries was assessed according to the amplitude-frequency index (AFI). Blood flow asymmetry in the frontal regions was assessed using the asymmetry coefficient. Results. Under short-term mental load in students, a tendency towards a moderate increase in pulse volume in the frontal regions was observed. A negative correlation was established between the AFI in the right frontal region and the number of errors in the Go/No-Go test. The research into the relationship between blood flow asymmetry in the internal carotid arteries and execution accuracy of the Go/No-Go test revealed a positive correlation between the predominance of blood circulation in the left frontal area and test execution accuracy. Prospects for using the asymmetry of cerebral circulation in the internal carotid arteries to predict mental activity efficiency are discussed.


rheoencephalography, short-term mental load, Go/No-Go, cerebral circulation, internal carotid arteries, adaptation to mental load, behaviour control, functional brain asymmetry


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