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Current Views on the Impact of Terrestrial and Space Weather on Human Health (Review). C. 232-247
Section: Review articles
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It is known that terrestrial and space weather can have a significant impact on the functional state of the body, including in the form of meteoropathic reactions, acute illness or recurrence of chronic diseases. It seems necessary to analyse studies that have established cause-and-effect relationships between naturalclimatic factors and morbidity in order to determine the contribution of natural factors to public health risks and to identify priority indicators in order to improve social and hygienic monitoring. This article analyses scientific papers published in 2000–2021. Based on the search results in open data sources, 153 full-text publications were selected, of which 56 fully met the criteria for inclusion in a systematic review. We found that the most frequently studied natural and climatic factors were atmospheric temperature and humidity, atmospheric pressure, air velocity, solar activity, atmospheric electricity, and variations in Earth’s magnetic field, including their frequency and combined effects. The objects of research were mainly patients with circulatory diseases: hypertension, ischaemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, and aortic aneurysms. However, according to the results of the studies, none of the factors can be clearly linked to the onset or development of the above diseases. This can be explained by the differences in the climatic conditions of the studies, by the crosseffect of meteorological and heliogeophysical factors, by sex and age differences of the studied groups, and by the influence of confounding factors such as diet, lifestyle, socioeconomic status, and bad habits. Thus, an integrated approach to the analysis of the accumulated data is required to improve our knowledge about the impact of terrestrial and space weather on humans. In order to effectively prevent and predict the development of weather-related health disorders, the key natural factors should be included into the system of social and hygienic monitoring.
terrestrial weather, space weather, natural climatic factors, weather-related reactions, weather-related health disorders, meteoropathy prevention
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