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Folate Status of Students from India Studying in Arkhangelsk. P. 302–309

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Aleksandra S. Vorontsova* ORCID:
Nadezda A. Vorobyeva* ORCID:
Alyona I. Vorobyeva* ORCID:
Elizaveta Yu. Mel’nichuk* ORCID:
*Northern State Medical University (Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation)
Corresponding author: Nadezda Vorobyeva, address: prosp. Troitskiy 51, Arkhangelsk, 163000, Russian Federation; e-mail:


The harsh climatic conditions of the subarctic regions of Russia, followed by lifestyle and nutritional changes, put a strain on the adaptive self-regulation mechanisms of newcomers. Acclimatization of foreign students coming to these regions, along with a high mental load and significant lifestyle modifications as well as alimentary and behavioural habits, can lead to homeostatic failure, in particular, folate metabolism disorder. It is known that both genetic (alleles determining the characteristics of folate and homocysteine metabolism) and phenotypic (nutritional and behavioural) factors play an important role in regulating folate metabolism. The purpose of this study was to analyse the folate status of ethnic Indians living in a subarctic region of Russia. Materials and methods. A prospective cross-sectional population-based study was conducted on a sample of ethnic Indians (n = 117) studying at Northern State Medical University in the city of Arkhangelsk. An analysis was performed of the relationship between folate levels and the duration of living in the subarctic region of Russia, body mass index, tobacco smoking, alcohol intake and nutritional status. The results of the study showed that folate levels in Indian students living in Arkhangelsk decreased significantly (from 10.0 [9.325; 13.65] ng/ml in the first year to 4.00 [4.00; 6.00] ng/ml in the sixth year of study; р < 0.001). This can be associated with changes in their diet (less vegetables), smoking and alcohol consumption, which are risk factors for impaired homocysteine metabolism and, as a consequence, for adverse vascular events. The significant folate deficiency in Indian students during their residence in subarctic conditions requires taking a number of measures aimed to prevent maladjustment disorders of folate metabolism in foreign students, which include quality of life, health and nutritional status controls as well as maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including giving up bad habits.


folic acid, physiological adaptation, folate metabolism, ethnic Indians, subarctic region of Russia, tobacco smoking, nutrition


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