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Innovative Approach to Studying the Adaptive Reserves and Elemental Status in the Population of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation (Review). C. 351-366
Section: Review articles
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Aleksandr V. Marasanov* ORCID:
*Centre for Strategic Planning and Management of Biomedical Health Risks (Moscow, Russian Federation)
Corresponding author: Aleksandr Marasanov, address: ul. Pogodinskaya 10, str. 1, Moscow, 119121, Russian Federation;
The paper suggests an innovative scientific approach to processing data from a survey of residents of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation (AZRF) and an approach to implementing preventive measures to protect the health of the population based on it. The object of the analysis are the adaptive reserves and elemental status (based on blood and hair samples) of the indigenous and newcomer population of AZRF. Innovativeness is understood here as the use of a body model, fundamental interdisciplinary knowledge, and adaptation theory to explain and interpret the differences in the statistical data of the population survey. In addition to the adaptation theory, the author turned to the theory of homeostasis by C. Bernard and W. Cannon, theory of functional systems by P.K. Anokhin, theory of nonspecific reactions by L.Kh. Garkavi, systems approach, doctrine of chemical elements, approach to modelling the state of functional reserves of the population, and method of medical SWOT analysis. The paper describes the physiological mechanisms of the formation of adaptive reactions in the indigenous rural population of AZRF, which ensure the body’s transition to a new level of energy supply necessary for living in extreme environmental conditions. The stressful state of the newcomer population of AZRF is substantiated. A body model is presented that can be used to identify disease determinants. Moreover, the connection of the model’s components with the body’s elemental composition and muscle tissue is described. Based on this model, the influence of the elemental status of the indigenous and newcomer residents of AZRF on the state of their organs and systems was analysed. As a result, a strategy of personalized preventive measures to preserve the health of the population of AZRF as well as recommendations on nutrition and lifestyle were suggested. The approach presented can be used to develop official recommendations for disease prevention in the population of AZRF as well as to improve the selection procedure for rotational work in AZRF.
health protection, body’s adaptive reserves, extreme environment, elemental status, indigenous population of the Russian Arctic, newcomer population of the Russian Arctic, polar metabolism, disease prevention
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