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Effect of Sodium Cromoglycate and Intramural Ganglia on TNFR1 Gene Expression in the Bronchi of Rats with Ovalbumin-Induced Bronchial Asthma. C. 32-39

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Valentina M. Kirilina* ORCID:
Olga E. Smirnova* ORCID:
Lubov E. Blazhevich* ORCID:
Petr M. Maslyukov** ORCID:

*Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation)
**Yaroslavl State Medical University
(Yaroslavl, Russian Federation)

Corresponding author: Olga Smirnova, address: prosp. Lenina 33, Petrozavodsk, 185910, Russian Federation; e-mail:


The purpose of this article was to study TNFR1 gene expression in the bronchi of rats with ovalbumininduced bronchial asthma, taking into account intramural metasympathetic ganglia and the stabilization of mast cell membranes with sodium cromoglycate. In this paper, gene expression refers to the accumulation of mRNA in bronchial tissues. Expression of the TNFR1 gene and receptor plays an important role in the development of allergic asthma. For this reason, the TNFR1 gene was chosen for the analysis. Materials and methods. Bronchial samples from Wistar rats were studied using real-time polymerase chain reaction. For experiments, bronchi with ganglia (in the bifurcation area) and bronchi without ganglia (straight sections) were taken. The material was collected from 7 groups of rats: with ovalbumin-induced bronchial asthma (6 groups) and control animals (1 group). Mast cell stabilizer sodium cromoglycate was used to treat 3 groups of rats with simulated asthma. Results. It was found that the expression of mRNA encoding TNFR1 increases in rats developing bronchial asthma. In bronchial samples with ganglia, TNFR1 gene expression was higher than in bronchial preparations without ganglia. Under the influence of sodium cromoglycate, TNFR1 gene expression decreased. Based on the results obtained, it was suggested that mast cells and neurons of the intramural ganglion have a rather pronounced effect on TNFR1 gene expression.


TNFR1, mast cells, intramural ganglion, sodium cromoglycate, ovalbumin-induced asthma, tumour necrosis factor-α


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