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Functional Reserves of Motor System Adaptation in Athletes from the Standpoint of the Physiological and Biomechanical Approach. C. 191-200

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Section: Biological sciences






Sergey V. Nopin* ORCID:
Yuliya V. Koryagina* ORCID:

*North Caucasian Federal Research and Clinical Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency
(Essentuki, Stavropol Territory, Russiа)

Corresponding author: Sergey Nopin, address: ul. Sovetskaya 24, Essentuki, 357600, Stavropol’skiy kray, Russia;


Human adaptation to physical activity is manifested through mobilization of functional reserves. The purpose of this study was to provide a scientific and experimental substantiation of the adaptation of functional reserves of the motor system in athletes to specific sports activities from the standpoint of the physiological and biomechanical approach. Materials and methods. The study involved 704 elite athletes doing various sports. Reaction time was determined using the hardware and software package “Sports Psychophysiologist”. Stabilometric parameters were analysed using stabilometric platforms with the Smart BTS Motion System (BTS Bioengineering, Italy); the static analysis test protocol was applied. Electromyographic and biomechanical (kinematic and dynamic) movement control was performed using the Smart BTS Motion System as well. Functional reserves of the motor system were studied in line with the existing ideas about the components of the human body’s physiological reserves activated when doing sports. The following were evaluated: sensory systems (sensorimotor reactions, vestibular stability), movement control (stabilography, kinematics, dynamics), regulation of homeostasis, and implementation of activity (neuromuscular system). Results. We found that both single (in respect of urgent adaptation: an increase in voltage, optimization of kinematics and dynamics during a weightlifting snatch) and systematic (as regards long-term adaptation: improvement in reaction time and vestibular stability in athletes of various sports) training sessions involving maximum strength, power and speed contribute to the activation of the relevant sensory systems, central nervous system and muscular system, which form the basis of the motor system and increase its functionality as a whole.


motor system adaptation, functional reserves, physiological reserves, athletes, sensorimotor reactions, vestibular stability, biomechanics, electroneuromyography
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