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Effects of Physiological and Psychological Parameters of Female Students in Secondary Vocational Education on Their Academic Performance. P. 338–346

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Section: Biological sciences






Nataliya V. Mukhina* ORCID:
*Borisoglebsk Branch, Voronezh State University (Borisoglebsk, Voronezh Region, Russia)

Corresponding author: Nataliya Mukhina, address: ul. Narodnaya 43, Borisoglebsk, 397160, Voronezhskaya obl., Russia; e-mail:


Adaptation of students to learning conditions remains an urgent issue for physiology, since it affects the formation of professional skills and a positive attitude towards the chosen speciality. Psychophysiological development during the transition from adolescence to young adulthood under the influence of the learning process has been investigated insufficiently. The purpose of this article was to study the physiological and psychological parameters of female students in secondary vocational education by analysing the characteristics of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems and mental functions, as well as identifying their possible correlation with academic performance. Materials and methods. The research involved 76 female students (first- and third-year) following secondary vocational education programmes at the Borisoglebsk Branch of Voronezh State University. These years were chosen since they are the most indicative in terms of the adaptation process in students. The mean age of first-year students (n = 40) was 15.95 ± 0.04 years, third-year students (n = 36), 18.33 ± 0.11 years. Anthropometric, physiometric, psychological, statistical, and analytical methods were applied. Results. Most of the physiological and psychological parameters of the subjects stayed withing the norm. Thus, all the female students have satisfactory adaptation. Statistically significant differences in a number of parameters between first- and third-year students were identified. In all of the subjects, the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system (sympathicotonia) was found to be predominant. Auditory span, working efficiency, selective attention, and attention span in third-year female students were shown to be higher than in their first-year counterparts. In first-year female students, academic performance is only associated with attention parameters, while in third-year female students, it is associated with cardiovascular as well as memory and attention parameters.


psychophysiological parameters, students in secondary vocational education, adaptation to learning conditions, academic performance, correlation analysis
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