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Comparative Evaluation of Isokinetic Testing Parameters of Lower Limbs in 18–20-Year-Old Female Students Doing TRX Training and Standard Exercises. P. 435–442

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Section: Biological sciences

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Kristina Yu. Lobastova* ORCID:
*South Ural State University (National Research University) (Chelyabinsk, Russia)
Corresponding author: Kristina Lobastova, address: ul. Lenina 76, Chelyabinsk, 454080, Russia; e-mail:


The purpose of this article was to, by means of isokinetic testing, evaluate the strength parameters of the lower limbs in 18–20-year-old female students doing TRX training and standard exercises. Materials and methods. The research involved 40 female students of South Ural State University aged between 18 and 20 years, who were divided into the experimental (n = 20) and control (n = 20) groups. The former was doing TRX training, while the latter performed standard physical exercises on the university’s curriculum. The experiment was conducted at the Sports Science Research Centre of South Ural State University. Strength parameters were evaluated using a robotic medical diagnostic complex Biodex System 4Pro (Biodex Medical System, Inc., USA) at the start of exercise classes in the autumn of 2020 and after 1.5 years of classes in the spring of 2022. Results. In the course of the experiment, female students who had been doing TRX training for 1.5 years showed statistically significantly better results than the control group in the following parameters during knee flexion and extension: peak torque, peak torque per body weight, time to peak torque, coefficient of variation, mean power and mean peak torque (26 cases of statistically significant changes in the parameters out of 48 assessed cases were recorded). This indicates that lower limb muscles in female students doing this type of training became much stronger. Therefore, training with the use of TRX suspension straps can be considered an effective way to develop strength capabilities of the lower limbs in humans.

For citation: Lobastova K.Yu. Comparative Evaluation of Isokinetic Testing Parameters of Lower Limbs in 18–20-Year-Old Female Students Doing TRX Training and Standard Exercises. Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 2024, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 435–442. DOI: 10.37482/2687-1491-Z211


18–20-year-old female students, TRX training, hypodynamia, lower limb strength capabilities, isokinetic testing, Biodex System 4Pro


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