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Influence of Mother’s Chronic Arterial Hypertension on the Development of Children. Pp. 64–76.
The full-text version of the article can be requested through the university’s library.
612.6; 612.825.8-81
Trukhina Svetlana Ivanovna, Natural Geography Faculty, Vyatka State Humanities University (Kirov, Russia)
Tsirkin Viktor Ivanovich, General Medicine Faculty, Kazan State Medical University (Kazan, Russia)
Trukhin Andrey Nikolaevich, Natural Geography Faculty, Vyatka State Humanities University (Kirov, Russia)
Khlybova Svetlana Vyacheslavovna, Institute for Postgraduate Education, Kirov State Medical Academy (Kirov, Russia)
It has been established that mother’s chronic arterial hypertension during pregnancy increases the risk of preeclampsia, placental insufficiency, infectious diseases, uterine inertia (boys) and anemia (girls). Boys of mothers with chronic arterial hypertension have larger body mass at birth and at the age of 7–8 years, while girls have longer bodies at the age of 14 years, and at 16, longer bodies and larger body mass. Chronic arterial hypertension in mothers reduces learning achievements for boys, but does not reduce them for girls.
chronic arterial hypertension in pregnant women, boys, girls, physical development, learning achievements.
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