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Evaluation Criteria for Working Capacity of Shift Workers in the Polar Region. Pp. 55–63.

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613.6:613.12 (211)


Sarychev Aleksandr Sergeevich, Department of Hygiene and Medical Ecology, Northern State Medical University (Arkhangelsk, Russia)


The paper present the results of the dynamic cohort study of working capacity of shift workers (n=76) in the polar region using the testing device UPFT-1/30 “Psychophysiologist” and hand dynamometry. It was found that regardless of the work-rest schedule, starting from the middle of the shift, there develops progressive fatigue of the control structures of CNS, which can bring about depletion of the body’s reserves. Using regression analysis in assessing the results, one can predict the development of fatigue among rotational shift workers before it starts on the physiological level.


polar region, rotational shift work, evaluation of working capacity.


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