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Seasonal Changes in Indices of Cardiovascular System’s Hemodynamics and Reserve Capacity in Natives of the European North Aged 18–22 Years. Pp. 35–44.

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Gudkov Andrey Borisovich, Department of Hygiene and Medical Ecology, Northern State Medical University (Arkhangelsk, Russia)

Popova Olga Nikolaevna, Department of Hygiene and Medical Ecology, Northern State Medical University (Arkhangelsk, Russia)

Efimova Nadezhda Vasilyevna, Postgraduate Student, Department of Hygiene and Medical Ecology, Northern State Medical University (Arkhangelsk, Russia)


During the year (January, April, June, October), indices of cardiovascular system’s hemodynamics and reserve capacity were calculated for 35 men and 35 women aged 18–22 years born and constantly living in Arkhangelsk (640 north latitude). It was detected that during winter the cardiovascular system is in a state of functional stress both in men and women, the functional reserves also being reduced. The biggest number of atypical responses to standard physical loads was observed in men during winter reaching 31.4 % and in women in spring, up to 51.4 %.


natives of the European North, hemodynamics, functional reserves, seasonal changes.


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