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Intellectual Activity of Anxious Children Under Time Limit. Pp. 84–88.
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Nekhoroshkova Aleksandra Nikolaevna, Institute of Medical and Biological Research, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk, Russia)
The paper presents intelligence test results of 8–11-year-old children with normal (171 person) and high (104 persons) levels of trait anxiety. As a method of research, the author used R. Cattell’s Culture Fair Intelligence Test. It was established that primary school children with high anxiety level under time limit spend less time on performing the test but make more mistakes, which leads to lower IQ results. The findings suggest that high levels of anxiety disorganize the process of cognitive activity. It is likely to be associated with the imbalanced relationship between the subcortical-stem structures, which is manifested in low selectivity and instability of attention. These characteristics should be considered when conducting psychodiagnostic tests to evaluate intellectual activity in anxious children.
primary school children, high anxiety, trait anxiety, intellectual activity.
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