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Current Issues of Water Source Protection on the Federal and Regional Levels (Review). P. 302–309

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Section: Medical and prevention sciences

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Roman V. Buzinov*/**, Stanislav A. Lopatin***, Vyacheslav I. Terent’ev****, Oleg Yu. Sheshin*, Andrey B. Gudkov**/*****, Ol’ga N. Popova**
*Russian Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing in the Arkhangelsk Region (Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation)
**Northern State Medical University (Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation)
***Saint-Petersburg State Economic University (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)
****АО Vodokanal-Inzhiniring (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)
*****Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation)
Corresponding author: Oleg Sheshin, address: ul. Gaydara 24, Arkhangelsk, 163000, Russian Federation; e-mail:


This paper presents a brief overview of regulatory documents and scientific literature dealing with the problem of sanitary protection of drinking water sources, whose quality to a large extent determines the resulting quality of drinking water provided to the population. Due to the fact that Russia lacks a fully formed integrated legal framework in the sphere of water resource management, the current protection system for underground and surface water bodies providing domestic and drinking water is not effective enough. The regulation of water relations is an important part of state policy. However, there are a number of regulatory voids leading to the low legal status of water bodies used for the purposes of domestic and drinking water supply. Along with natural hydrological and hydrogeological factors, the sanitary problems of these sources arise from non-compliance with, or even lack of, requirements for the organization and use of sanitary protection zones, which, in its turn, makes it impossible to effectively regulate both the current and future anthropogenic load on the water bodies. This article studies the underlying causes of the present situation and analyses the existing regulatory documents in the sphere of water resource management. Further, a legislative initiative is formulated, based on the existing legal possibility to raise the status of sanitary protection zones of drinking water sources to the status of protected areas in order to improve legal relations in the sphere of drinking water supply. This procedure will significantly increase the social importance of water sources and enlarge the powers of local self-government bodies allowing them to implement a wide range of effective management decisions on protection of water sources which provide consumers with drinking water and therefore have high conservational, recreational and health-improving value.


drinking water supply source, sanitary protection zones, violation of sanitary laws


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