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![]() Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Head of the Department of Hygiene and Medical Ecology of Northern State Medical University (Arkhangelsk, Russia), Honorary Higher School Worker of the Russian Federation
He graduated from the medical faculty of the Arkhangelsk State Medical Institute in 1979. In 1992 he defended his candidate degree thesis and in 1996, doctoral degree thesis. In 1998 he achieved the rank of pro-fessor.
Andrey Gudkov is also deputy chairman of the Dissertation Council and of the Scientific and Technical Council at the Northern State Medical University. He is actively involved in the education and training of scientists: 7 doctoral and 18 candidate degree theses were prepared and defended under his supervision.
Together with his students, Andrey Gudkov has been developing the line of research on rotational work in the Polar region and studying adaptive response in military men deployed in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. Moreover, his sphere of interests includes the following: physiology of maritime labour, ecology and health of the population of industrial towns in the North, hygiene of children and adolescents, as well as ecological and physiological research into the mechanisms of human adaptation to the extreme conditions of the North.
Andrey Gudkov published more than 500 scientific works, over 70 of which in the journals Human Physiology, Uspekhi fiziologicheskikh nauk (Advances in Physiological Sciences), Occupational Medicine and Industrial Ecology, Human Ecology, Vestnik of Pomor University, Meditsinskaya tekhnika (Medical Technology), Morskoy meditsinskiy zhurnal (Marine Medical Journal), Barents, Morskaya meditsina (Marine Medicine), Vosstanovitelnaya meditsina (Rehabilitation Medicine), as well as 17 monographs, including A Guide to Marine Medicine as co-author. In addition, he holds 8 certificates of invention (in co-authorship). Professor Gudkov is an editorial board member of the Journal of Medical and Biological Research and Marine Medicine. |
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